Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A busy day...

The upper school swim on a Tuesday... it is all run with military precision... we are the largest school in the area,and one of the best thanks to some cracking teachers and a fab headmaster.Lucy loves to swim but not on a Tuesday,its all too frantic... Lucy is not good at frantic UNLESS she benefits.. and that is another reason she is like me ;)
I took this picture of her watching the TV show Friends,her and Eve love it,we have it on a series link... they watch at least three and evening,its how they wind down... also we are looking forward to the Great British bake off final...

Today I was really pissed off,did emergency year 5 lunch cover and they were all fine,but what makes a female year six think it acceptable to keep spitting,what a revolting revolting thing to do....I would actually rather they swore than spat.Anyway I just had to inform the class teacher at the end of break,but suffice to say I saw another side to this girl today and the way she took to being told off..... clearly she thinks she is cock of the wood.Also why I am on the soap box ... she was spitting next to all the outdoor climbing gear,where people land.... ughhhh can you see how cross I am.

And relax Withers... day 2 of the detox and all is well ... so far.............mind you I have had for many years a 'list' of people I want to 'do over' .. I may come close to the edge by Thursday sunrise.....

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