Rodents rule

By squirk

Eating the jungle

Except the white flowers on thin stalks. They can't taste nice so they're left for me to pull out.

F and I returned at 12.30 this morning after taking 4 hours to get home from Heathrow (more than half as long as it took to fly from Boston to London). After checking the pets were still with us (i.e. Whisky hadn't run away and the guinea pigs hadn't been ravaged by foxes), we fell into bed and slept 'til noon. A hearty lunch at the cafe down the road, then back home to unpack.

I'm very proud of the guinea-pig trio. It was the first time I'd left them outside in the eglu and run overnight and during the day for an extended period of time. I felt better leaving them outside as they have more space to run. I'd purchased special eglu pegs that pin down the run to the grass so pesky foxes wouldn't be able to turn the run over, even if they really tried. The pet-sitter had found Big Sid adorable, which he is. Such a character. It's great that there was such great weather in London while we were away (grrrr) because the grass is perfect for guinea mowing.

The rest of the garden has become massive! The plants have become triffids.

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