Land of Enchantment

By Laurel

Four Balloons Over my Roof

The second day of the Balloon Fiesta and I don't have to leave home, join the traffic or even get out of bed early. I can just go out the door to see a sky full of colorful balloons.

It has taken more than a year for me to post a year's worth of photos. I had intended to post a photo everyday. On June 11, I forgot to post a picture. By the time I realized the omission I had erased my memory card. This one mistake gave me permission to relax a little. I no longer feel compelled to make or post a photo no matter what happens during the day. I admit I have begun to slow down.

Blipfoto is a wonderful elegant site. I have learned a lot from experiencing many of your journals. I am grateful to Ingunn in Oslo and to Rainie for showing me places I may never visit and to jkj10 for introducing me to people I will never meet. To Gert for showing me the life of a mariner. I am thankful to Sasanach and to Max for showing me what's possible with a camera and a great imagination. I especially want to thank RMurang for sharing his thoughts and traditions and to Lauri for showing her beautiful daughter Larkyn growing up while sharing this journey with me.

I am not sure how well I will do keeping up my journal now, but I am hooked on photography. I have started to wish for better tools as I feel my eye for composition improving. I continue to be amazed at everyone's photos, writings and lives. Whether I comment or not, I am visiting as many journals as I can fit into my busy life and I am learning from all of you.

I hope to give you a window into the enchanting place where I live and I hope everyone will be able to see New Mexico someday.

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