investigations of a dag

By kasty

All thought expresses a throw of the dice

Rain came.
Nice wet walk through the park. Bumped into some Japanese fashion fans I had blipped before when in Glasgow which was weird. I think this is dolly kei? but happy to be corrected.

Went to see the Rauschenberg exhibition Botanical Vaudeville before it ended.

Made me think of Mallarme which I've been reading recently. Hard to believe this was written in 1897.

CHANCE Falls the plume, rhythmic suspense of the disaster, to bury itself in the original foam, from which its delirium formerly leapt to the summit faded by the same neutrality of abyss..[] ..A CONSTELLATION cold with neglect and desuetude, not so much though that it fails to enumerate, on some vacant and superior surface, the consecutive clash, sidereally, of a final account in formation, attending, doubting, rolling, shining and meditating before stopping at some last point that crowns it All Thought expresses a Throw of the Dice

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