Another Day

By pcc

Maple Tree

Well another wet day today, so I have been inside.
Thought I would have a clean out of some boxes that I collect cards, invitations, etc. in.
Oh it is so hard throwing beautiful cards out. I have saved them in the past and given them to schools, but I am not so sure that they want them these days.
Also cleaned out some other boxes with photos in. One day I will have to be more ruthless, but not while R is around! Would love to clean out the bookshelf as well.

To get this photo I had to lean over my balcony, and try to stop shaking, and also to contend with a wind. Not easy. Otherwise it would be to get a ladder to reach these beautiful leaves that are just starting to open.

Now I think I need some fresh air so am off for a walk for a change - should do this more often!!!!

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