Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Day 4 - Horse Ride for Henry and Kyle

Arrived at the stables as early as we could. Horrified to find Lime had not eaten his bucket feed and barely touched the two hay nets I had left for him. He couldn't wait to get out of the stable but then panicked cos he couldn't see Osh so it was really hard to get him ready. More guilt! I let Lime picnic all day which I would never normally let him do on a ride back home. Hope it doesn't teach him bad habits.

We both decided the horses needed a day without the saddles to recover. As this was due to be the shortest day yet (but still 12 miles and hilly) we decided to set off on foot in more rain and drizzle. Although I ached like mad from yesterday's afternoon bareback, I knew I had the option of riding bareback. Cara wasn't sure how Osh would react to bareback riding with his back already being sore, plus being an Arab he is on the boney side! At least Lime has a bit of padding! But she gave it a go and by the end of the day we were almost bareback converts. Small issue of not being able to get on too easily without stirrups but we managed somehow.

Despite the mist and drizzle, today was one of the best days so far scenery wise. Typically terrain-wise it would have been the best day for a few canters as there were a few grassy sections but that might have been asking for it! We made it to our accommodation at THE BEST B&B with horses ever early afternoon which gave us much needed time to chill out with a couple of bottles of wine. Us and the horses much much happier.

The picture is of Cara about to go down a crazy steep descent on a slippy narrow path twisting through the bracken. I can't imagine anyone doing that on a horse!
Horse Ride for Henry and Kyle

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