Northwestern Europe - 600AD

Fooling around with an idea for number 600, I came up with this. It's an old map. I choose Northwestern Europe since it encompasses the birthplace of Blipfoto (BF). I know BF didn't exist back then but if it did, it would have been the center of all photographic activity!

For the past almost two years , BF has certainly been an important part of the activity in our house. Some days it's a chore to come up with a decent blip and I apologize for those 'blah' days. There is no doubt about it, BF is addictive in the most pleasant way and provides ample incentive to grab that camera and hit the road.

Thanks to all who have passed by and a special thanks to those who have taken the time to not only browse but to comment as well. There are a multitude of wonderful people who frequent this site. A very special thanks to Joe and the staff - the creative engine behind this beautiful vehicle. Love you all!!!

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