Randy's Journal

By RandyChild

Family party

The first Sunday in October is "Lasagna Sunday." It's been a tradition in our family for years. It's always homemade lasagna, salad, garlic bread, and usually ice cream for dessert. However, this year my son-in-law treated us to fresh strawberry pie.

We have skipped a few years, such as when I had open heart surgery, and/or was just not up to it. Once, I even sneaked in Stouffer's frozen lasagna, and I haven't heard the end of it yet. They won't let me forget about that one. If it's not my own homemade, they don't want it. Mine is very tomatoey and tangy with lots of meat and cheese. It's a family favorite, and one they don't miss.

We all ate, the kids played, and a good time was had by all.

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