It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Oh Such a Perfect Day!

I was nervous today as I've reached 40 years old and I've never really been to a protest, well.... unless you count the "Hands of Hibs" protest in 1990. We danced to The Proclaimers and sang nice songs about Wallace Mercer.

It was David Cameron and the coalition's turn today. I was vaguely under the banner of the Manchester Green Party but wandered about speaking to loads of randoms. While there was some venom pointed towards the Tories, it was almost a carnival atmosphere and I met some lovely people.

The police in the main kept a low profile even if there were hundreds of them. There was a tiny bit on tension as we walked past the conference centre but maybe because I was thinking of encouraging everyone to start a people's revolution rather than there being any real tension.

I remember the Maggie years, and in fact I seem to remember supporting her back then. I blame my parents! I grew up reading Peter Hitchins in the Daily Express and being chastised by my school mates for having right wing leanings. Fortunately, I grew up and developed understanding and compassion for my fellow humans. Now I'm a member of the Green's, simply because they are the only party to acknowledge that growth economics on a planet with finite resources is a flawed concept reliant on human greed.

Anyway, I love this photo, even if it could have been better framed. I got about another 20 fit for blip too! Bet I take crap ones for the next month. . I befriended a communist and a transgender chap too!

Anyway, it felt great to protest and know that there are lots of like minded people out there. I then walked through Manchester shopping area to see lots of indifferent people shopping, shopping and shopping....The battle is a hard one!

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