Bell Rock Blenny

I'm not sure if this is actually a blenny as I have misplaced my fish book, but it's definitely on a submerged part of the infamous Bell Rock and I like the alliteration.

I have found the fish book and I can confirm my suspicion that it is a blenny - specifically a Black-face Blenny. Leading to the even more splendid alliteration "Bell Rock Black-face Blenny".

The lighthouse on Bell Rock was built by the Stevenson family - who are apparently rather distant relations of mine. It was the first lighthouse built on a rock that is covered at high tide, and is celebrating it's 200th anniversary. We saw models at an exhibition a few months back but it is even more impressive to see it from the water. It's a long old boat ride from Eyemouth though, and while the first dive was pretty good, the second was a bit of a wash out - drifting over endless kelp.

Still, a lovely day out - many thanks to sailfish.

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