Netters and co

By Netters


Its been one of those days really . The shoe cupboard is a mess, a jumble of different sized shoes , some days its just easier to go with whatever you find and think yourself lucky they are yours and roughly the right size , its on my list to sort tomorrow, along with the truly incredible mess this odd shoe wearer has made today,

her wooden train set is covering her bedroom floor and spilling into the hallway, she has plastered post it notes on every surface in the living room , the bookshelf contents are on the floor, she has filled a box (she has a thing for boxes) with much random crap and left it on the floor, her scooter is in a heap in the hall and every pen, sticker and bit of paper she owns seems to have escaped from her desk . My head feels like her mess at the moment, its a right state !

PS I backblipped the willy wonka costume , please have a look ! took me bloody ages !

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