River view
Lavaur, our local town, is on the banks of the Agout river, which loops lazily through the region before joining up with the Tarn river, which gives the department its name. The river is in a very deep valley, so is either appreciated from the town from this fine viewpoint behind the cathedral, or along the river walk. That walk requires a lot of steep climbing back up, so I didn't feel like that in today's morning heat (and with my nice shoes on).
A day of errands, getting caught up on all those jobs that have been glowering at me for weeks, so the car has been cleaned, the house windows cleaned too, that nasty stain is mostly out of the sofa (wine, before you ask), the walnuts are cleaned, and some plants repotted.
Mr B is back tomorrow, and I'm sure I will be back to the MBH with no escape, so best take the chance of doing other jobs while I have the time. Despite working hard all day, it managed to feel like a bit of a lazy day. Hopefully his return will herald some cooler weather (usually the way it works out somehow). Just too hot today.
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