Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Home Sweet Home.......and a big pile of washing :)

We travelled home today - although it was tempting to stay we have plans all weekend, celebrating my birthday with friends and family that I haven't seen as a 34 year old :)

On the way home we popped in to see LilyTheLab and the pups had a lovely run around together. When Lily updates later she may have a different view as the boys spent most of the time trying to hump poor Lily!!! As she is at the end of her season we knew we would have to keep an eye on them! I have not known either of the boys to be 'fruity' (to put it nicely) but they certainly were very pleased to see Lily!! As you can see from the photo - I think Casper is trying to say to Lil 'Oooiiii, what about me?!?'

We are off out for a BBQ tonight so I will catch up with you all later or tomorrow.

Can't wait for Strictly tonight - I have booked tickets for me and Mum to see the live show next year, as a Christmas present. CANNOT WAIT to see Jason Donovan shake his stuff!

I hope the sun is shining for you all, enjoy :)

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