another couple've kgs down the line

I think we must be over 4 tonnes now but I'm not going to add it up....if we're not I will feel depressed and if we have way more than that...well, then there are far more left on the trees than I think and that's difficult to accept as well.
So, let's just say, we're about half-way and not think too much more about it.
Because we like to deliver quality (otherwise one risks getting fined) each of the apples we pick gets looked at...there should be no leaves, sticks, mould or rot on them. Worms and slugs are fine. That slows down the whole process like anything. Our neighbours have picking machines and conveyor belts; we have hands, buckets, legs. Whichever method you choose, you need eyes and a rapid-decision making process. Good? Bad? How much more can we do before the place we deliver to is closed....or full of other people delivering at the last minute making it very hard to reverse the trailer round the corner (my biggest nightmare)? Fridays are a race against time because they close early but we want the trailer empty for the weekend picking. I made it in good time today delivering 840kgs of Boskoop (top price band) and the place was empty :-)

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