Capital adventures

By marchmont

Jonathan Livingstone??

The summer continues. This young gull was enjoying the warm weather in the 'water feature' in St Andrew's Square Gardens. I was there after lunch at 'Urban Angel' with L. She and I have much in common - husbands, houses in SW France, sons and finances. She was also in my sister's year at JGHS.

Earlier I'd swum, gone back to yoga and talked to the guys who were putting up the rear scaffolding.

Thanks for the lovely comments about the kitchen but the 'before' comment related to the 'green giant' - the ash tree which blocks the light from my kitchen and which is being felled next Wednesday. However, now the scaffolding and the wooden walkways are doing an even better job of blocking the light - it's going to be a long, dark winter. The photo of the kitchen also masks the fact that the oven has never recovered from #1 son's adventures with a pizza, the fridge is dying, the freezer doors don't stay shut, half the drawers are held together with gaffer tape and wood glue, there isn't enough storage (out of shot are piles of boxes filled with kitchen stuff), etc etc etc. 8+ years old and getting tired. But not for much longer!

I still have lots to do today - better get on with it...

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