First iPad picture
I had planned to take my camera to work today so that I could take some pictures of the deer in the park en route to work. It's always so manic in the morning trying to get everything ready for school, work etc and I managed to forget my camera. Luckily, I had my new iPad and here's my first photo with it.
I also forgot my sunglasses and had the sun in my eyes all the way.
At cookery club at school yesterday, daughter #2 made pasta sauce and tonight, she made a pasta bake for dinner. It was delicious. She loves being in the kitchen.
Tomorrow, it is mufty day at daughter #1's school. She has to dress in pink and purple. There is a shortage of pink clothes in the house (girls soon grow out of wanting to wear pink clothes). It took ages to find something but we managed to find a pink t-shirt in the bottom of my t-shirt drawer. She is now in floods of tears because she can't find a jumper. I know of two pink jumpers that we have but we are unable to find them. We have explained numerous times that she won't be needing a jumper tomorrow (as it's going to be 28 degrees) but she still insists that she must wear a jumper. I suspect she will cry herself to sleep.
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