
By kurtstat

Bridge Over the River Ness

They now have coloured spotlights under the bridge in the middle of Inverness. This is the same bridge that - if you stand at the north end of it - will give you the view of Inverness made famous by Bill Bryson in Notes From A Small Island:

"I regret to say that I could never live in Inverness because of two sensationally ugly modern office buildings that stand by the central bridge and blot the business district beyond any hope of redemption.. I...was positively riveted with astonishment to realize than an entire town could be ruined by two inanimate structures. Everything about them - scale, materials, shape, design - was madly inappropriate to the surrounding scene. They weren't just ugly and large but so ill-planned that you could actually walk around them at least twice without ever identifying the main entrance....It was awful, awful beyond words."

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