My quiet space

By JuliaS's been a busy day.....

Hari and I have been rushing round like mad all day today.

Once we'd dropped Tara at school we had to do a few errands then rush home in time for Jasmine (the westie dog) to have her hair cut. Hari kept walking round saying 'Jaz haircut ... Hari haircut too' so once she had finished Jaz, Michaela asked Hari if he wanted to get up on the table for his turn ..... he did think about it but in the end answered quite emphatically 'NO'

After that we went to grandma's house to organise my dad's 70th birthday pressie then back to pick up Tara, then Hari's music class, then home for a cuppa ...... or so I thought...... as I sat down I got a call from son number 1, Michael, to say that the gaurds at the station wouldn't let him get on the train home, so I had to get T&H in the car again and head of to pick up Michael!!

Maybe tomorrow will be quieter....... as if.................

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