Jess & Molly Law

By jml


After last night's show Mary Queen of Scots got her Head Chopped Off, it seemed appropriate to be going to Holyrood today. It was to Parliament, however, not to the Palace. We wrote to our MSP a few weeks ago, asking for tickets to the visitors' gallery, and this was the date she offered.

I have never liked the look of Parliament from the outside (although I approve of the institution). But on the inside, it is a beautiful building.

That having been said, I am blipping part of the outside. The wall of quotations never gets much publicity; but I knew it was there, and I wanted to see it. Quite a few caught my eye, and my heartstrings, but this one by Hugh MacDiarmid is the one I chose:

The rose of all the world is not for me,
I want for my part
Only the little white rose of Scotland,
That smells sharp and sweet - and breaks the heart


As explained a couple of days ago, no doggies just now - they are with Aunty Joyce. We stayed in Edinburgh last night, and tomorrow morning we are off to Pitlochry for a long weekend. Whenever I can, I will provide a couple of back-blips of Jess and/or Molly.

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