
By Saffi


Went into Yeovil this morning and passed by this shop which I have been meaning to blip for ages! The Polish community is quite large here, mostly in the agricultural sector and related industries. A delivery had just arrived and the drivers had stacked the goods on the pavement from the cream and blue van on the right. They were a cheerful couple of lads chattering away in their language. There are a few other foreign food shops in the town mostly selling Asian and African foods.

The temperature has soared into the 80's F and the people in the streets had a relaxed feel ambling along in well deserved sunshine. There was an important funeral at St John's Church in the middle with dignitaries and gold chains, Paddy Ashdown, and two smart gleaming fire engines parked up. No doubt we shall read all about it in the Western Gazette next week!

N is glad to be back. Two grain lorries collected more wheat from our barns and we have to get the cow in which had a stillborn calf for the vet to cleanse later on this afternoon. And in between times T is trying to prepare the fields for planting!

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