In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

That's entertainment

Education, Salvation and Damnation; That was the name given to this triumvirate of buildings situated on Rosemount Viaduct. Although on this shot, education is just out of view on the left, the rear of it can be seen here.
The Library, St. Mark's Church and His Majesty's Theatre, ( left to right) are where they got the name from. No explanation needed.
They all date from the end of the 19th, beginning of the 29th century. With the theatre being the youngest.
Rosemount Viaduct itself is part of an amazing, late 18th century early 19th century, piece of amazing engineering. It is, as the title says, an actual viaduct, built over the natural height of that part of the city. a good part of Union Street is the longest stretch of the viaduct and Union Terrace making up the rest.
Here is an arial view of part of it, with the green swathe in the middel being Union Terrace Gardens, that local vandal, sorry business man, Sir Ian Wood, wants to destroy and raise the beautiful sunken park up into a concrete and planters, civic square.
Al three buildings have cafes or coffee shops within them, or as the HMT, newly built on to it.
The theatre has been used as a cinema in the past, it was where I saw Easy Rider on it's release many moons ago. There was no-one on the cash desk when we went, so we just walked in and so it for free.
Now that's entertainment.

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