to my bones

By mavo

I don't like Wednesdays at school, the lessons are interesting as always (I sound such a geek) but without lunch I'm just so pissed when I'm walking back home, hungry and angry.. hopefully I can find bike from somewhere soon so that I can go to our apartment during the breaks to have some lunch. The teacher who was supposed to get the bikes for us just told that he can't get those from anywhere so great.. need to find by myself from somewhere.

But yeah, after FOOD it was time for aerobics. I decided to run my frustration away so I run to aerobics and back, it really worked, felt so good after that, amazing, love sports :))

Just called to my boyfriend and it's not nice when you hear that the other one is bored, missing and is just not having the time of his life in Finland.. wish I could be there.. rough but we'll manage.. After this it will be amazing to be with him again then everyday, you learn to appreciate things even more.. <3 salmiakki storage is.. (half full, half empty?) half empty!! Please bring me some more! :p

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