Bat in Spooky Lane

Forget the misty mornings, sunlight through golden leaves and spiders' webs spangled with dew drops, that I had planned on sharing.

This, my Blip friends is A BAT - A real live gurt great flying in the dark through a tunnel - BAT. Can you see it there on the left?

I don't know what sort, not the little pipistrelles I see at home, much, much bigger than them.

I was struggling with work today, so, as the weather was absolutely fantastic, I finished early and headed off with the dog on a long walk to one of the nicest pubs in the area. The route, following mostly footpaths, takes well over an hour and traverses three valleys.

The pub is a great mix of a traditional bar and fine dining. It has been the stage for a number of scenes from my recent life, which may be retold here at some point. Dogs are allowed in the front bar and there are always biscuits available for canine clients.

Sadly the pub, being in a valley, was in deep shade this evening, but the dog and I enjoyed beer and a bowl of olives - not crisps! (get me!) before heading back.

When walking home I saw, in effect three sunsets, as I climbed up each ridge.
Climbing up out of the second valley, the path goes along Spooky Lane, a deep cutting and tunnel - see picture. This was apparently built so that guests arriving at the huge mansion house nearby could be driven in their carriages over the tunnelled section and not have to look at the local peasants.

It was very dark along Spooky Lane, and there were lots of bats, and I mean lots, as I walked through the tunnel they were whizzing past my head. Even though I know they have echo locating radar stuff in their ears, I still ducked each time I saw one.
When I came out the other end, I took half a dozen pics in the almost pitch dark, just using auto setting and flash, back into the tunnel, but not knowing if there was a bat in the tunnel or not, and hey presto, a bat!
Well I'm happy anyway.

Walking up the final hill to home, I stopped and sat a while, watching the last of the light fade and the first stars appear. There were Tawny Owls hooting, a fox barking and it was still as warm as any day this summer.
By this time the dog was bored and keen to try her hand paws as a bit of night time sheep rustling!

Magic! (The evening, not the sheep rustling)

PS Any info on the type of bat would be gratefully appreciated.

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