Soccer Mom
Wednesdays are probably always going to be a bit mad, with it being a day with no school when the kids do various sports and other clubs. I'd best get used to it and today turned out to be quite mellow. Katherine's French lessons have been moved a little later in the morning, permitting a proper lie-in. Shopping with Conor while she did that, and a leisurely cup of tea at home while she was at riding.
After lunch it was all about football. Normally this is 2pm until 3ish, but today they had some special coaches in, then the annual club presentations and then cake for the kids and aperitifs for the grown ups - very convivial. K and I worked through as much of conjugation as she could tolerate (surprisingly little) and I fell into coversation with a woman who had spent years in Manchester - so I was able to be very lazy and mainly speak in English. Conor, surprisingly, has been chosen to play in a tournament on Sunday morning. Hopefully it'll be a bit cooler- too hot today to get out on the pitch for a closer shot than this.
Mr B has swapped our wonderful (convertible) building site vehicle for something more convenient for winter (ie, it has a roof) and will be home some time on Saturday. I'd best get back to work tomorrow or he'll dock my wages.
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