Loopy Lady

23months 7days

I'm so proud of my little lady today. She was really upset as soon as she saw her bag for nursery, cried all the way there, cried when I got there, although let me snuggle her and calmed down, but was upset when I left. But when I got back, they were so excited to tell me she's had a much happier day. They've had smiles, laughs, and she's played. They said when she filled up, she was distractable really quickly. She's done 10 paintings, played with different toys. She's obviously settling a bit with the children because at lunchtime she sat a while with them. She's had a bit of something from every meal today, although wouldnt settle for a sleep. It makes me laugh that they were impresed when Katie said "pretty colours" - they're going to get a shock when "real" Katie comes out and she's chattering in her proper little sentences and being her bonkers self. She's done so well today, little superstar.

Granny and Grandad met us at pickup time and we went to feed the ducks and have a bit of picnic snack. Katie went slightly loopy. She'd still not wanted to go outside at nursery so spent the whole day doing fairly quiet activities inside. So when she was out, she went hyper and was running round and round and round. For a little girl who'd not slept in 13hours, she had an insane amount of bounce! We fed the ducks with duck food from the village shop, and at one point had about 30 ducks right with us on the green.

I managed to keep her awake on the journey home, then time to remove the layer of paint caked on my daughter! So pleased with how her day has gone. Well done, little lady Moo. xxx

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