
By Ilaria

First ever Photoshoot!!!!

Well today's shot is definetely different for me!!! I do NOT generally take shots of people...but time on Blip has got me curious and wanting a go!!! :-))

So I asked a friend 'F' seen let me get some practice!!! It's been a great day weather wise, so that was a good start!!! I reckon we were both nervous, and have we laughed at some of the shots I took/captured!! Silly faces, laughing our heads off!! It has been really good fun!!

This was the one we settled on to blip....but I've put several more shots in a folder in my Blipfolio if anyone wants to look!! See HERE!!

Any advice would be more than welcome!!!! :-))))

Have a lovely day everyone!!!

And thankyou for all comments yesterday, and getting my forks to the Spotlight!! :-))))

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