michigan man

By outdoorguy

Rocket J.

Back to my favorite small animal...the squirrel. This guy( another shot confirms the guy theory) was across the street from my wifes nursing home. I think he thought that I was going to give him some treats...because he kept coming down the branches to get closer and closer. I told him that I didn't have anything...to no avail.

It looks like he had a little crumb of his last meal near his mouth. I gave him the universal sign of pointing at my mouth, and moving my finger...but again...nothing. He is a handsome fellow, and I took about 60 shots of him. Perhaps he will get a peanut tomorrow for his posing skills.

I walked downtown and watched a seagull fishing. She would jump up into the air, and dive down to the bottom...coming up with small clams or snails. I had my slow camera, and kept missing the jump, and kept getting the dunk. Maybe another day, and another camera. Need the faster one.

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