
Walking ome tonight I spied this between 2 shrubs and althoug it looked an even bigger monster through the lens - I braved ONE shot then it moved and I jumped about 10 foot in the air.

Oops Apache went walkabout from first thing until about an hour ago (9pm) and D was frantic looking for him, he'd even borrowed a torch from a neighbours, I found him scared in the alley I'm guessing he had an adventure and ran into a bossy cat or a fox and got scared knowing I'd eventually come and find him, now of course he's knackered and in a deep sleep having scoffed food the quickest I've ever seen him eat. To be fair I'd have been worried if I was here coz that is teh longest he's ever been away.

Oh my neighbour who hacked my grape vine last year and then a few months ago did the same to the fig tree saw D and was shouting at him, that the tree is blocking her sun after 3pm (what sun, its been the worse summer since 1993??) and that the figs falling of the trees were a problem as she has loads of mice coming through the fence into her garden from mine!! Erm what mice?? Apache eats mice and I can always tell if one is in the garden never mind being overrun with the amount she implied - he might be fat and lazy but he is a hunter! Good grief we live surrounded by woodlands of course there are mice around but my garden is cetainly not over run with them, I haven't seen one for a long time and that was just the back legs (the rest being in Apache's stomach) - anyway most of the mice around here are little cute field mice.

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