Tuesday: Help Needed!
K. and I find ourselves in the midst of a very distressing hostage situation. A few weeks ago, we were in our local hostelry, and K. happened to leave a pair of socks behind. Don't ask....
We forgot about them, until one sock appeared on our doorstep, together with a ransom note. We were asked to leave a bag of jelly babies with the chef at our local pub, by a certain time and date, and mark it 'Doris Day'. The note was accompanied by a very distressing picture of the other sock, being held by a mysterious rubber-gloved hand threatening the sock with a pair of scissors. We complied with the request, but also write a pleading letter, begging for the sock not to be harmed and telling the kidnappers that they clearly over-estimated our financial means.
Since then, nothing......until today, when this arrived in the post. The reverse of the card is a picture of the sock, being held in a strangle-hold by a mysterious black-gloved hand. Note the thread, sellotaped to the top of the card as proof of life. We don't know what to do!
I suspect I may know who is behind this......
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