Ness Island seasons & me

By ewansnaps

Robert Peel sporting very hip seagull hat

I displayed more spontaneity than I have in years by bussing down to Glasgow to celebrate my dad getting early retirement. I got in about 8 hours before dinner so went to watch Iron Man (very cool) and then toured some of my old haunts. The GOMA was absolutely dire. Jim Lambie has managed to create an installation that gives you motion sickness if you have the floor in your field of view whilst walking, and also has concrete trip hazards on the way out. Picture me walking gingerly out of the room staring at the ceiling, occasionally stopping to glance at the floor so that I don't kick his concrete "art". What a git.

I then went over to the west end and footered about in Fopp for a few minutes listening to some great music and not buying anything (just like my crappy uni years). After that I headed into the Botanic gardens to see if I could find the striking abandoned railway tunnel scene that I'd wished I'd had a camera for some ten years earlier. I found it, but heard voices coming from the bushes nearby so was too scared to follow the wee path down to what I thought back then might be a great place to be homeless. Ho Hum.

The photo is of Robert Peel, who was responsible for the Factory Act and repealing the Corn Laws (good stuff). We have rewarded him by making him a great vantage point for seagulls. I also took some photos of the Clyde, which is a truly filthy excuse for a river. Too disgusting to show here.

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