Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Pearfectly Ripe

Please excuse the lame pun and photo -- I'm well and truly jet-lagged. After getting home from Paris yesterday we went to bed around 9 PM and woke up at 4:30 AM. I had a short nap this afternoon and I'm trying to stay awake until normal bedtime.

The most important accomplishment today was driving Miss Annie home from her stay at A Better Pet. She's very glad to be back and is staying very close to me.

Our good friends/neighbors picked up our mail and newspapers, kept an eye on the house, drove us to and from the Airporter bus, and left a delicious meal in our fridge and lovely flowers in a vase. They also left us a couple of pears, one of which I used for this blip.

I've started back-blipping here. More to follow.

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