Woman On A JouRney

By MsRay

Do the Yankees Like the Red Sox?

Every baseball fan knows about the fierce rivalry between the NY Yankees and the Boston Red Sox.

Yesterday afternoon, my hubby and I, who are avid Yankee fans, invited to our home his son-in-law, Ryan, a Red Sox fan, to watch the Yankee-Red Sox game. Earlier that day, I was already teasing Ryan about bringing his 'crying towel'. However, when he arrived at our doorsteps, Ryan had with him a bunch of flowers for me. That was so sweet of him to bring me the flowers and I had no heart to tease him especially that the Red Sox were badly beaten by the Bronx Bombers (9-1).

Do the Yankees like the Red Sox? Are you kidding? Maybe ---- if he's Ryan who's brought me these beautiful flowers :D :D

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