The adventures of Wooly

By Wooly

How green is your valley?

I wonder how many children,who have eco flags in their schools, take their green ideas home? The children in this house certainly forget what can be recycled or to when to turn the lights/ gadgets off like the next child. There needs to be a constant green button pressed as a reminder!!

Where LadyWL works the people there said they didn't want to be treated like children!! They knew how to recycle. However when all the bins were removed to encourage recycling this caused "bin gate"!! Everybody wanted a bin & "the right to decide what to recycle??"

I know the Welsh Government are making people pay for carrier bags from 1st October. I'm no eco warrior but I'm trying to do my little bit by recycling wool for scarves & jumpers. Yes they will be little ones!! I also eat as much grass as possible to reduce the amount of lawn mowing.

What do ewe do? Every little counts.

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