No needles, Dr. Tehraney!!!

An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.
~ Martin Buber

Poor little Raspberry, star of blip, stage and screen is resting at the vets, waiting for her little bladder to fill up so they can test her urine. We noticed her straining in her box and trying to go often, so off she went for a check this morning. Other than that, she has been fit as a fiddle, trying to eat our breakfast french toast and eating her own breakfast. The good news is that she has no blockage, her bladder would be huge and full if that were so. It's either an inflamed bladder from stress, we were just away!!!, or a UTI. I'm waiting for the call to go get her. Antibiotics probably, everything else is fine, kidneys, etc. $$$

I came home weepy, I'm so attached, and then opened blip and really cried, but happy and grateful tears this time. Dearest jk10 took gj out today and blipped him. What a thrill. Blipfoto is really something special, we are quite a global family, amazing!

He and I just had a face time chat, iTouch to iPhone4 and he went on about his wonderful day with Juliana. It is so great to see him so many places and feel that he is still close by. He's got a big course of studies coming up, and was worried about blip commenting, but I told him just to do what he can and do it for himself(and us back here of course!!!) and not to stress about blip. We all get it.

Sallieberry(one of her many nicknames) is home, we're $300 poorer, she had a tiny bit of blood in her urine, so UTI it is, antibiotics should fix her up. She came home and ate a big meal, used her box more successfully and stayed up a while before napping.

For the Record,
This day came in dismal, hot and humid, YUCK

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