Jess Cat

23months 4days

We've had lots of fun today. A nice lazy start to the morning, pootling about before we headed off for a day out. We started going to the cinema. Actually, technically we went to two cinemas. Turns out there's 4 in the city and I went to the wrong one! But we did find the right one, just in time to see the start of Postman Pat's 30th birthday special screening. We met Harrison, Kiki and their mummies there. Katie was very excited to see Jess Cat on the big screen. She was also very pleased there was a train in one story and a boat & pirates in the second. We were on the front row and in the end songs, her and her friends were dancing about at the front. Very adorable!

After the cinema, we had a bite to eat before I took her to investigate the new Gap outlet. She chose a couple of things, both reduced and everything 30% off anyway - a well trained toddler already!

We then drove to the Country Park. We had a spot of afternoon tea. She got a free balloon, and a free apple. Not a bad result. We then wandered down the big hill to the play park. She's figured out how to work loving gates, although she looks a little confused when she gets through them! She ran through the tunnels to the park several times over, shouting to the echo. A huge black cloud was on its way, and for once Katie wasnt wearing wellies, so we made a swift exit. Katie climbed the huge hill back up all on her own - I've seen grown ups struggle with that one! We got up just in time to get an ice cream, then back in the car before the heavens well and truly opened!

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