
By traceyflowerpot

Noooooooooooooooooooo ...

I cant believe how much I am missing my camera. This shot is a load of piff poff, haha.

Its really sad to think that when I use it on a daily basis I dont think nothing other than enjoying taking photographs, but now its gone it feels very similar to when I gave up smoking six years ago, I am craving for it.

I have been trying to get a half decent photograph out of this little camera, I cant get any DOF, it wont focus, ive tried everything, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


I will have to get used to it I suppose as there isnt much I can do about it until Monday.

I just cant believe how much I must depend on it in my day to day life.

Now is this a good thing , or not ? ... I think it is as it brings me so much pleasure.

Sorry for moaning and groaning, Im sure I will get used to it over the next couple of days....

I am supposed to be going to the Butterfly Park next Saturday with the people from my Photography Course, I hope its all sorted by then, fingers crossed.

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