Life... Streaming.

By queromartin

24th Day - How about Lines?

I am already on my 24th Day, wohooo, 6 more days to go on this challenge! It was definitely challenging. Had those moments when I have already posted something but thought that I could have done something better, haha. Hope I could do something different, some time.

Anyway. for today, on my 24th day on the challenge, Subject: Lines.

My art teacher during a summer workshop once told us that lines aren't really lines at all. When you a draw a picture, it would best work out if you see lines as actually different shades of light. Like shadows if you will. Like on our faces, he told us that we see the eyes, our nose, the shape of our face all because the light hits the surface of our face in different manners. Clouds look that way because of the light that passes through it. When you draw landscapes, closer objects appear lighter while farther objects look darker.

Having that same thought on sketching, I tried to apply it on photography... Still working on it but it's one of those things that sticks to you. One of those principles you can try to mix from one media to another.

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