
By mollyblobs

Grazing in the dew

A very quiet day today, catching up with domestic chores after the busy and eventful week. It was a glorious morning, but I lay in until after seven, revelling in the fact that I didn't actually have to get up. But the morning sunshine was too tempting, so I was up and out with the dogs less than half an hour later.

This was the first photograph of the day, taken within minutes of leaving the car-park. I though the geese looked so peaceful grazing in the early morning light, and fortunately they weren't perturbed by either me or the dogs, who were far too busy sniffing the scents in the grass to bother them. This wasn't an easy choice, and I came away with several atmospheric photographs that I'd have been happy to blip. I've put the runner-up of reeds against the misty river in my Blipfolio.

After a desperately needed trip to Sainsbury's, I spent a little time organising my photos on the computer, did some gardening, started my next report (due in at the end of the week) and cooked an evening meal of duck sausages with plum and ginger sauce - very tasty!

Somehow the day just seemed to disappear, and despite meaning to catch up with Blipfoto, I didn't get around to many people. I'm really touched by all the stars and hearts my caterpillar received. It was really a bit of desperation blip, but I'm happy so many of you liked it! :) Perhaps tomorrow I'll actually get around to catching up with all of you, especially as I have more report writing to do - I find Blipfoto provides a welcome diversion and reward!

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