a view of my world

By aviewofmyworld

the end of an era - sighthill edinburgh

a view from edinburgh napier universtery building which was open today as part of the edinburgh doors open weekend wich allows people from the public to see around buildings not normaly open to the public like the city chambers, tours around the sherif court. The universitys new campas well not totaly new been there since about the 60's got a revamp so more subjects were covered in the one building insed of students traveling from this one to annother . This campus is the newest hub for helf science and sport such subjects are crimeology where they have mancans looked like they have been in a crime other rooms for helth are done up like a real hospital ward

The highflats in this photo are comming down tomorow 25th sep
they have been there since the 1960s
all 3 flats are going to come down at once
there was a bigger block which was longer size wise is about 3 or 4 of them next to each other that came down in about 2008

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