In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Some kind of wonderful

What is it that makes something a photograph? Does this blip count? It wasn't taken with a "real camera." Nor was it taken by the camera on my phone. Although I did use my phone to capture the image via screen capture.
Anyway just though I would share with you. It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago, and my mum and my kids all gave me IPhone cards. I bought several albums, mainly soul stuff, with them. I came across this one whilst searching, and was surprised that I had never came across it before. I knew if all the classic Dusty stuff like "In Memphis" but this is definitely a real gem of a find. It didn't surface in the public domain until 2002, but even so, that still makes it 9 years that I never knew of it's existence. Not good.
Never mind I have it now and it is some kind of wonderful.

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