Do I Look like the Yellow Pages?!

My phone rang while I was eating my dinner. The conversation went like this:

Me: "Hello?"

Caller: "Hello, is that George?"

Voice in my head: "Do I sound like a man??"

Me: "Wrong number."

Caller: "Oh. Is that Mike?"

Voice in my head: WTF?! I'm not a man!!!

Me: "Wrong number."

Caller: "Have I got through to Lara?"

Voice in my head: Who the f*** is Lara?! And who the f*** are you?!!

Me (firmly): "You have the wrong number."

Caller: "Oh. Do you know what their number is?"

Voice in my head: Do I sound like f***ing directory enquiries?!!!

Me (sarcastically): "No. I don't know who they are."

Caller: "Oh ok. Goodbye."

The mind boggles.


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