Eternally Weaving Stories

By GeoffreyElliot

Fruits of Labor

"External labor, labor in which man alienates himself, is a labor of self-sacrifice, of mortification." - Karl Marx in Economic and Philosphic Manuscripts of 1844

This hat, and the hats I wear are my window into the practice of what I preach. I critique the forms of societal alienation we all engage ourselves within. I critique our removal from simple human activities (i.e. physical interaction and removal from engagement). Among these things I am not innocent of any. I partake in the cyber social world and have submitted myself to labor outside of my own person. But this hat is otherwise.

Ironically, I am saying this with you via a social media forum.

Regardless, this is a hat I recently crocheted for a friend, who deserves it right about now.

Happy Birthday Emily.

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