Red Glasses

By redglasses

Self Portrait 3 - Water

Okay, so this is a puddle one. Surprise surprise, it rained!
Mum and I walked to the Pictish stone on the outskirts of the village today. It looks lovely, smells lovely AND makes for a great seat for those of us with great big long backs. Yay!
We were knackered (emphasis on the "knack") and all in all, it has been a rather successful day. Looking forward to some yummy smoked haddocky thing for tea... Mmmm!

I know you're not supposed to say this, but I am quite enjoying this Self Portrait finding malarkey. Tomorrow I'm going to experiment with cutlery. With their reflections, not like you experiment at uni... That's a very different kettle of fish. Particularly if you're a chemist.

Speaking of science and experimenting - well done marvelous people at CERN, I don't understand all he implications but they've managed to moved a neutrino faster than the speed of light. Geeks 1-Laws of Physics 0!

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