Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Thursday: More Chequerboard

Following on from the chequerboard building I blipped a couple of days ago, here is a chequerboard floor.  I have always liked Embankment Tube Station - there is a real 1930s feel to parts of it.  

I had lunch with a friend today - apparently I was being a bit grumpy, I was told half way through.  That's not good.  Luckily she is a good friend.  But it is 16 days since I had a day off and I think I am feeling it.  I hope I am not sounding grumpy to you?

I was running a bit late to meet my friend, so I took the tube, rather than walked.  Because I took the tube, I ran into my friend, Keith, outside the tube station.  I haven't seen him for months as he is working elsewhere at the moment, so we have now arranged lunch.  I love it when things like that happen.  See, even in London it can be a small world.

I am trying to figure out what these odd things in my picture are.....could they be........people?  Surely not.........

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