All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Haircut number 2

It's Thursday - so that means it's Mummy & Ethan day today!

Swimming class as usual in the morning. Ethan is getting very clingy at the classes and downright refuses to let go of my hands, even one of them. I think he got a fright a few weeks ago when we were encouraged to let them swim by themselves (with a float on) and now he is making sure I don't try it again! Hopefully he'll get his confidence back again soon.

We then drove into Edinburgh for a hairdressers appointment. He slept in the car on the way there - I'd intentionally gone in early to make sure he had a good nap. Foreveryoung, Eden and Foreveryoungs mother-in-law met us there too. It's a great place to take Ethan for a haircut. It's very quiet and Mandy the hairdresser is happy for Ethan to wander round the salon as much as he likes. He even "helped" sweep my hair up from the floor and then put the dustpan and brush away in the right place without being asked. He also loved watching all the buses going by and pointing at them. As it's on the main road into the city centre there are buses going by every 30 seconds so it was a constant case of "bu(s), bu(s), bu(s) from young Ethan!

He also sat really nicely while he had his haircut. I was very proud of him!

Granny & Grandpa arrived this evening. First time they've seen Ethan for a fortnight as they were away on their holidays last week. Think he was pleased to see them!

Have also back blipped The Happy Worker & Out with the old.

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