Ina's Snippets

By ina

Hide and seek...

"Always remember that you are bigger than the moment,
you are more than anything that could ever happen to you."

~Anthony Robbins~


After shopping at the supermarket I stopped at our local dam (lake) - it was about 30 min before sunset, the long shadows were awesome!

On my way out, I found this little kitten in the veld under a tree. I spend a few moments and then took some cat food out of my shopping bags and offered him/her some. She ran up the tree and played hide and seek with me.

I left some food for her and will definately go back tomorrow to see if whe is alright.


About forgiveness ...

Last entry about this subject

When you forgive you release critical judgment of yourself as well as of others.

You lighten up.

You do not cling to negative experiences that resulted from decisions that you made while you were learning. That is regret. Regret is the double negativity of clinging to negativity.

You lose power when you regret. If one person grieves at this or her experiences while another is able to laugh, who is the lighter. Which is harmless? The heart that dances is the innocent heart. The one that cannot laugh is burdened. It is the dancing heart that is harmless.

Seat of the Soul : Gary Zukav

First entry about forgiveness, starts here

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