
By dark


One of the things I dislike most about living in the city is the lack of sunsets - too many tall buildings, too many houses, too many carefully placed trees.

Unless you happen to be high up in one if those buildings, all you ever get is a wisp of a reflection of a hint of the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there might be a sunset happening somewhere.

Instead, the light just slowly fades away every evening, unmarked, unnoticed, disappearing into the electric haze of the streetlights.

Eventually the memories fade, and you forget that you're living in this desert of lost sunsets, until one day you happen to be in just the right place at just the right time, and you stumble across the smallest, briefest sliver of an honest-to-goodness piece of actual sunset sky - and it takes your breath away.

And reminds you how much you've lost.

I miss sunsets.


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