michigan man

By outdoorguy


Chaz "don't call me Charlie" the chipmunk welcomes
you to Colorado...a beautiful state.
Clockwise...from the right top corner...We're
looking at my dad and a mural in Montrose, CO. The 3-d feel of the flat wall was
something. Next comes perhaps the strangest and ugliest animal alive...the
alpaca. Watch it! They'll spit on you. Then comes a Mail car at the Ridgeway RR
museum. Then a scene from Ouray, CO., one of our favorite mountain towns. A
"ski-fence" in Silverton, CO., and lastly...Pinkerton Hot Springs near Durango,
CO. Such colors.
We finished driving the Million Dollar Hwy., and were a long way from Rocky Mt. N.P., our next destination. We
decided to head for home. We drove until 11 p.m., and stopped for the

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