Beech Wood
Go deep
I'm keeping this short tonight. As so often seems to be the case all the last minute jobs piled up to fill the available time before the arrival of our prospective clients at 9am this morning. I went to bed at 4am but had to set the alarm for 5.30 in order to finish everything off. The rest of the team have been working flat out too, and I was so proud of them today. They are young, talented, and refreshingly enthusiastic. We prepared well and put on what I believe was a damn good show. Even I was impressed by the software we demonstrated, and I wrote most of it! It's that memory thing again. I'd forgotten just how much we've achieved this last year.
Our business sits in a very niche market because our main products are national public health systems. It's not the kind of thing you can stick on e-bay! Today was therefore a very big day for us. We now just hope that we've done a better job than the other two potential suppliers, but whatever the outcome we can take great pride in doing the best we could possibly have done for the UK export market. Wish us luck!
I was overwhelmed by the response to yesterday's blip. It actually hit the top of the spotlight page. So many thanks to all of you who commented and rated and gave me hearts, as well as those who just stopped by to look and read. I cannot tell you how much it means to me. Once again, I find myself touched by your words, but not in a position to be able to respond to everybody. But I will ... especially those who made their own observations and sent links to follow. I hope to catch up tomorrow. For now, though, I'm going to crash out and watch a DVD with the boys. I've been neglecting them! They both tower over me these days, but it's nice to know that they still miss me when I'm working to a deadline.
Once our visitors finally left I went for a run up Shipley Glen. I was quite taken by this small beech wood and I've had another experiment with mono. I hope this shot does some small justice to the texture and shapes of the trees. I love this kind of open mature woodland. You'll be pleased to know that I stopped a while to take in the scene and walked around the Glen for a bit before running back along the canal. It was wonderful to have all that pressure taken away.
Goodnight all ... and thanks again. You are all truly wonderful people!
PS That wasn't as short as I intended!
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