The Chaos Bros

By vik

Sad Lara

Poor Lara has just heard the bad news. No trips to Tentsmuir for her this weekend, no running through the forest, no jumping in the waves. Boo hoo.

I got a courtesy car today while my car goes in for repairs after getting bashed last week. It is hilariously small. The car seats only just fit but there is little room for anything else. The pram doesn't fit. The dogs would definitely not fit in the boot even if they were allowed in the car.

Oh & Bro1 won't fit, not when I'm working anyway. 1 Mum + 4 Bros + 1 minded child = 6.
The garage could not figure that out this morning though, 'But we only have 5 seater family cars.' I gave up in the end settling for one that did at least have 3 proper seatbelts in the back to accomodate the car seats. 'You can use the lap belt for a car seat' they said. 'NO' I said, repeatedly.

Bro1 is hoping for dry weather for the next week or he'll be trekking in the rain while the little kids and I squeeze in the tiny car to get home from school. Well, I suppose we could all walk together in the rain and keep him company but that would be silly.

As for husband, there is no way he would fit, the seats are so far forward to enable use of the carseats his legs would be up round his ears should he attempt to drive it.

Right, I'm off for a glass of wine.

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